Layla had a stuff bear that she carried around, really teasing Saprano. So we hit the give away toys and found a Garfield for him!
They are such babies!
Update is that the bear is no longer with us - had the stuffing torn out in a tug of war battle. Garfield is still going and now we have another give away bear for Layla.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Blending Roving!
Found the instructions to make the hackle on Ravelry. Bought my combs at the Dollar Tree and found as scrap of wood in the basement that worked. He bought 2 inexpensive clamps so I could clamp it to a table.
The roving that was used was just too dense and overdyed to spin. I have learned alot since I bought this roving. But after using the hackle it really spun up good. It was a gunbarrel blue and we mixed a natural cream. After spun up, looks like a blue/grey tweed. Got 4 oz done, only 4 to go.
Baby Wolf - New Toy!!!
Baby Wolf (got to get a name for her) is at home with Mira, my counterbalance. My room is getting toooooo full! I love craigslist - both looms came from adds I found on it.
Cake Class
Finally got around to posting pictures of the last cake class that Britney took. It was so beautiful - hated to cut it. She took it to her great grandmothers and the family ate it up. If only I could get her to do one at home!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
First Prom!!!
Okay, I have kept telling her I will not let her grow up! I miss my 5 year old that thought I was grand! Now I have a teen that most of the time does not want to talk to me!
Last night was first prom - we ran all day. Been preparing for months!! The right dress, make up, and hair - had to be perfect and it was.
Went to my daughter's (Angie) house, and she fixed her hair & make up. Perfect! Got home she ate a snack with fresh, wet silver polised finger nails. Got dress and looked Perfect! Of course, Angie taught her the pose! If you ever visit Angie's blog, you will see the pose perfected!
She went with some friends, Cory, Jonah & Becca. Unfortunately Beccs was running late and they had to meet her and I did not get any pictures of her and Jonah. Maybe I will have some pics later.
Cory & Britney looked good! He came carrying her a rose - so sweet! His mother brought him and we took lots of pictures!!
Off to the first Prom!! A night they will remember!! They finally got home safe and sound. Cory's mom came to pick him up. She & I stood outside and listen to all the fun that Jonah, Cory & Brit could remember until almost 1 a.m. Jonah & Corry headed home - we headed in the house. Britney gave me a few more highlights that will be memories for her. Then off to bed - I am dragging today and letting her sleep!
Last night was first prom - we ran all day. Been preparing for months!! The right dress, make up, and hair - had to be perfect and it was.
Went to my daughter's (Angie) house, and she fixed her hair & make up. Perfect! Got home she ate a snack with fresh, wet silver polised finger nails. Got dress and looked Perfect! Of course, Angie taught her the pose! If you ever visit Angie's blog, you will see the pose perfected!
She went with some friends, Cory, Jonah & Becca. Unfortunately Beccs was running late and they had to meet her and I did not get any pictures of her and Jonah. Maybe I will have some pics later.
Cory & Britney looked good! He came carrying her a rose - so sweet! His mother brought him and we took lots of pictures!!
Notice - they are into the pose!!!
New Friend Joined the Ashford!
Okay, everyone tells me this is as addictive as quilting - it really is!!!! I love my Ashford wheel (Ashley) but a guild member was selling a Louet and I had to check it out. Ashley meet Louie!! They have bonded!
It has super hugh bobbins which will be extra nice when I ply even from Ashley. It is a comtemporay wheel but it really grew on me. We had to balance the wheel when we got it. Could not even tell it was out of balance until I put the bobbins on the lazy kate and then the wheel rubbed one of the bobbins. With the help of fellow Ravelry member, especially knitspin, and the help from the Louet company. We got it balanced and now I can ply from the kate.
It also has a skein winder that attaches which I am going to love. The swift and I sometimes had words spoken during use. We also have to fix a dowel on it but it works even the way it is.
It fits right in my back seat so I can take it with me if I want to go to a friend to spin or to guild with it. Also I can lay it down in the hatchback. I battled Ashley in my little compact car.
It has super hugh bobbins which will be extra nice when I ply even from Ashley. It is a comtemporay wheel but it really grew on me. We had to balance the wheel when we got it. Could not even tell it was out of balance until I put the bobbins on the lazy kate and then the wheel rubbed one of the bobbins. With the help of fellow Ravelry member, especially knitspin, and the help from the Louet company. We got it balanced and now I can ply from the kate.
It also has a skein winder that attaches which I am going to love. The swift and I sometimes had words spoken during use. We also have to fix a dowel on it but it works even the way it is.
It fits right in my back seat so I can take it with me if I want to go to a friend to spin or to guild with it. Also I can lay it down in the hatchback. I battled Ashley in my little compact car.
I asked a couple friends if I was crazy to buy another one so soon - and they assured me I was not!!! One has 4 wheels, the other has two, and one friend has just recently been bitten by the buy and bought a wheel last month at the Townsend Fiber Festival!
It, too - like Ashley, is an older wheel. But with tender loving care it is up and going great. Now if someone could repair my older body and get it up and going - life would be grand!!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Spinning Wheel Has Found a Home!!!
I mentioned to a friend and my knitting teacher, Jennie, that I was looking for a good used spinning wheel. Lo and behold - she had one that she was fixing up to sale. She had bought it from a woman that found it in her attic and did not want it.
I have found that an afternoon at Jennie's home is indeed a treat! Brit & I went to see her yesterday so we could try out the wheel and see her alpacas & horses. Pictures to come of the alpacas and one of the beautiful horses she owns.
Okay - I did have envy! She has a beautiful weaving/spinning studio, full of windows with the door going out to her alpacas. Looms, spinning wheels, thread, yarn, roving, and fleeces everywhere - I was in heaven!
The Traditional Ashford wheel is now at my home where it will be appreciated and used. I have cleaned it and applied Howards Feed & Wax with loving hands! It looks like a new wheel instead of a 30+ year old wheel.
I plan to send pictures of it to Ashford so they can date it for me and let me know what I would need to buy if I want to upgrade the flyer. It already spins like a dream so I am not in a hurry to do anything!
I am off to The Spinnery in Gatlinburg and to the Smokey Mountain Fiber Festival in Townsend tomorrow! Must find more bobbins!
I have found that an afternoon at Jennie's home is indeed a treat! Brit & I went to see her yesterday so we could try out the wheel and see her alpacas & horses. Pictures to come of the alpacas and one of the beautiful horses she owns.
Okay - I did have envy! She has a beautiful weaving/spinning studio, full of windows with the door going out to her alpacas. Looms, spinning wheels, thread, yarn, roving, and fleeces everywhere - I was in heaven!
The Traditional Ashford wheel is now at my home where it will be appreciated and used. I have cleaned it and applied Howards Feed & Wax with loving hands! It looks like a new wheel instead of a 30+ year old wheel.
I plan to send pictures of it to Ashford so they can date it for me and let me know what I would need to buy if I want to upgrade the flyer. It already spins like a dream so I am not in a hurry to do anything!
I am off to The Spinnery in Gatlinburg and to the Smokey Mountain Fiber Festival in Townsend tomorrow! Must find more bobbins!
Brown Sheep Shed!
This spinning bug has hit me and I love it! Someone from Raverly told me about Brown Sheep Shed and that I should order from them. The price for their roving makes it easy to play with Kool-Aid. So after the no you shouldn't - sure you should - no you shouldn't - "The sure you should" won out!

The roving on the left is white mill ends, black & white mill ends (can't wait to spin this) and a pound grab bag. The right is dye soppers - these will be beautiful after they are blended on a card drum. There was a very pretty pink that I think is mohair.
The day the order came, I had been having a MRI & c/t. Got home very tired and the box was sitting on the porch. Brought it in and sat it in the floor - fixed me a cup of coffee to get rid of my headache and just enjoyed the box! After a little bit - just had to open the present I had bought myself.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
First Attempt at Spinning on a Wheel!
I joined the Knoxville Handspinners this month and loved it!!! Everyone was so helpful and inspiring.
One thing that was so cool was that I could borrow an older Ashford traditional spinning wheel! I was showed how to work it and since I had bought a pound of Shetland/Rhomney mix from one of the members, I went to work with it. Of course, Britney had to try it too and really liked the wheel.
Knowing that I only have it for a month, I have worked everynight almost on the wheel. Got alot to learn but I really love it. So relaxing!!! The roving I bought is very forgiving for a beginner. Here is some of it after I have plyed it and wound it into a ball.
One thing that was so cool was that I could borrow an older Ashford traditional spinning wheel! I was showed how to work it and since I had bought a pound of Shetland/Rhomney mix from one of the members, I went to work with it. Of course, Britney had to try it too and really liked the wheel.
Looks very folky which is something I really like. I know it is not great but thats okay - gotta practice to get good. I still have more to do and I am hoping I will be able to make a vest with it. Got a knitting class coming up in March. After I do one vest, I am hoping I will be able to use this yarn in the next - won't that be so cool!!!!!!!!
Right now maybe it is alittle thick but it is double plied and there are some thick spots but that is okay. I got more to do and hopefully will improve as time goes on. Maybe will get it right by the time I finish the pound - ha!
One thing I know is when I cut the ties on that pound of roving - it grew and grew, just like Linda said it would! I hope she will have more to sell later on because I would like to do it again when I get a little more uniform in spinning.
This is the best way to enjoy all the cold weather & snow we have had this year!!!
This is the best way to enjoy all the cold weather & snow we have had this year!!!
Antique Shop Find!!! Cotten Cards!
After talking to some on Ravelry, I realized that I could do more with them than cotton. Went back and they were still there and now they have a home in my weaving room and they look good!
All that fluffy cotton came from one flower (can't remember what they are called).
Blueberries & Cream - All Spun up!
I like what I got when I was finished - a couple spots that was puffy and a couple that were thin - but all together it is very pretty and looks like springs.
I am really looking forward to dyeing more roving!! I have been to the Sheep Shed Studio web site and I am wanting to order roving so badly.
Friday, February 12, 2010
How fun - Kool-Aid dyeing!
I have been reading about Kool-Aid dyeing and really had been wanting to give it a try. I love to fabric dye so I just had to do this, of course.
First I found the roving that Angie & I bought at the Sewing Expo two year ago. I have some I bought from Nancy at the Spinnery but just not ready to use it. I figured if I messed this up, I could always felt it.

Squirt it up and down the roving, leaving some cream. Fold the saran wrap and rolled it up. I put it in a glass pie plate and nuked it in the microwave. I had read to do it for a minute but after 30 second I heard it pop and knew it was getting to hot, so I did it for 30 sec then rested it for 4 minutes - did this for about 5 times.
It is so pretty - I love the cream showing thru the blue so I called it Blueberries & Cream. I pulled it into long pieces and rolled it into a ball so I can spin it.
First I found the roving that Angie & I bought at the Sewing Expo two year ago. I have some I bought from Nancy at the Spinnery but just not ready to use it. I figured if I messed this up, I could always felt it.
I used blue Kool-Aid (which has been discontinued), 1/2 cup white vinegar and an old dawn detergent bottle.
Washed the roving in hot water first with detergent, rinsed next. Squeezed it, laid it out on saran wrap. Mixed the vinegar with Kool-aid and put it in the bottle. (A turkey baster would be better but I worked with what I had)
Let it cool to room temp, then rinsed it in room temp water. First rinse showed that all the Kool-aid had been taken up into the roving. Hung it to dry.
Weaving up a storm - snow storm!
My car was parked and we had to walk up the hill. Got new tires on it now so maybe that won't happen again.
Oh, here's my weaving buddy!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Handmade Raddle for the Loom
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