This bag is so cute!
I love the Karma Bag
- Angie & I both made one in a class at the Sewing Expo in Atlanta. It is an interchangeable bag - one handle - many bags. With a twist, one bag comes off and you can put on the new one - so cute.
Here's the punch needle project that we did. This was a great make it & take it but it was really a class that we did on Thursday evening. I can't find my paper with the teacher's name but Angie has it on her blog, plus a link to her website. I had done some needlepunching but she really helped me alot.
We also had a demo with The Mad Hatter, Dawn Anderson. She was good and really made making hats look easy (alot of hand work though). Her site is
Made me want to make a hat - oh, another hobby!
Kathy Ruddy, creator of Unique Patterns, did a great fashion show called Eat lots of Cookies. She was hilarious - but we really pick up alot of pointers. Web site:
This was a free fashion show. They had on going things at two different stages. I think we really learned more in the vendors mall than in the demos and classes. So many make it & take its and so many fashion shows and stage demos.
Okay, today was clean the house - yuk day! Laundry (mainly mine that I bought back so I could not complain about it), dishes, bathrooms, and moping. Plus supper which was cabbage beef soup and homemade bread. Rhea did a great job with the house - he had his laundry done & the house looking good when I got home on Saturday!
My bread recipe came from the Urban Homemaker. I usually make it just like the recipe she has but I changed this one to work in my bread oven. I grind my own wheat but today I was lazy. I did not grind enough wheat so I mixed some bread flour in with it. Her recipe is called Marilyn's famous Whole Wheat Bread and we love it. She has a great free catalog and website with lots of tips, recipes and ideas. The web site is .
Today's version of homemade bread (mine is never the same but it usually always comes out good. This one was very light and rose very high):
Semi Whole-Wheat Bread (my version for the bread maker on my lazy bread day)
1 1/4 cup warm water
1 cup of whole wheat flour
Combine warm water with 1 cup ww flour, Stir and let sponge (soak) for 15 to 20 minutes. I placed mine right in my bread pan for my breadmaker.
1/6 cup honey (I did not have a 1/6 cup so I just used a 1/3 cup and filled it up one half full)
1/6 cup oil
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 tablespoon dough enhancer (optional)
1 Tablespoon gluten (optional - might not raise as high as mine but mine was about too high)
3/4 Tablespoon yeast
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup bread flour (this is where I changed her recipe - she uses all whole wheat and
usually I do but not on lazy bread day)
This is the order I put it in but you need to put it in according to your breadmaker's instructions.
and bake according to your instructions for whole wheat.
I have an Ultimate Breadman. My settings were for Whole Wheat, rapid rise, 1 .5 pound loaf and medium crust.
I also check when it starts kneading to see if it needs any more flour or liquid. Seems that can vary - maybe it has something to do with the humidity. Today I had to add the extra 1/4 cup of bread flour. Do this if it looks too runny - if it looks too stiff add alittle warm water.
The urban homemaker's recipe makes two loafs but to get it for my breadmaker I have to cut it in half. I have to admit - in the beginning - I only made it the traditional way by hand. But I kneading takes so much time and sometimes my bread would not be as light, so I have given in to modern conveniences, at least, part of the time. Using all whole wheat makes wonderful bread, though especially fresh ground wheat.
Also, since it is so fast in a breadmaker, you can have fresh bread anytime!!! Makes it seem like you have work very hard even when you have been sewing all day.
Let me know if you try it or have any questions!
Thought I'd introduce myself as Angie said you don't think anyone's reading -- wishful thinking, you're being stalked actually (Mwahahahaa)... the bread looks delicious! I need a bread machine, alas, I've no where in my kitchen to put one... I was checking out your links the other day and thought you might enjoy It's one of my fave sites -- they do product features & reviews and give lots of great 'small steps - big impact' tips. Blessings!
Thanks so much for commenting - yes, I wonder if anyone was reading it. But I have enjoyed doing it - I wish I could write as well as Angie does about things!
Thanks for the site - I will check it out.
If you want the recipe for making the bread without a bread machine - let me know and I will get it to you. You only have to knead it about 10 minutes.
Thanks Again
Absolutely!!! I actually don't mind kneading bread tho' with 5 kids I do have to time it well. It's Irish soda bread time again; got a good recipe? The one I usually make has cranberries but I'm always up for a new version!
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