My daughter, Angie, & I took off on Wednesday to Atlanta for the Sewing & Quilting Expo - what can I say - it was wonderful. We stayed until Saturday and had a blast. Shopped out!
This was the first trip we have been able to go away together and I hope it will become a yearly thing.
I took only 3 classes. One was the Karma Bag with Angie and I loved the bag. Will post a picture later, Britney has claim it and is carrying it tonight. A picture is posted on Angie's blog (
The next one was a lecture that turned into a sales pitch but we did come away with some useful info. The last one was crafting for profit - a good speaker and lots of info.
But mostly lots of venders!!! I did not go too wild on shopping but did alot of looking and planning for stuff I already have. Of course I pick up a new hobby and got pointers on one I had already started.
A few new patterns, embroidery designs and a little fabric - how perfect could it have been.
New patterns!
A really cute country apron pattern. A couple retro patterns - A japanese inspired owl pattern was a freebie from SomeArtFabric and I bought a cute fabric monkey pattern (Magoo) from them that reminded me of the sock money.
NEW HOBBY!!Like I need another one! I feel in love with needle felting. We did a make it and take it book mark in a booth and were hooked. Both Angie & I went on a hunt for felting stuff! I bought the wool roving at the Vogue booth. On Friday when Angie was at a class, I found kits with the foam and needles for both of us, so on Friday night we went to felting. We took the roving off the bookmark and made a heart. Her's was much better than mine - I think mine was a broken heart - but it was fun. So then I made a sunflower - kinda looks like the dorky homemade look but it has not been wet and put in the dryer yet - hope it improves. But I was hooked - went back to Vogue and
bought more roving on Saturday morning. We also tried out a felting machine - loved it! So I guess that is on my list for new machines. I know Angie has it on her list - she sees jeans with felting on them. It was easier to use a machine but there as something about punching that roving into the foam - great way to work on you frustrations!
But everyone that knows me - knows I love machines!
Of course - I hit the Goodwill today for wool sweaters and jackets for felting. Can't wait to play!
I got 4 fat quarters to play around with on my totes and purses - I am already regretting not buying yard pieces! I felt like I was back in the 70's (except my back hurts) when I look at this fabric! Kinda like Ninety Nine on Get Smart Look! Well, I just dated myself!
I got them at a booth called Some Art Fabric - they had some great fabric. It is a online company that only does online and shows. Website is

I bought these cute pieces of fabric at the Vogue booth for purses - they are so cute! I think I will try them with the Amy Butler patterns. I don't know which I like better. The green really shouts spring!
I also did a needle punching class with Angie. That was the one where I perfected my punching. I will post a picture later - I thought I had taken one but guess I did not. It was fun. A friend of mine that use to live in Athens seen us, Joyce Trew. I had not seen her in about 3 or 4 years. She also took the class also when she saw what we were doing.
I was so deep ingrossed into punching that I did not get to talk to her much. I would have never thought about running into anyone there - there were so many people!
The only thing I wished I had done was take pictures at the show of Angie & myself. I planned to but it was so mind boggling when we got there each day that I would forget.