My ggreat grandparents were William Jefferson Tallent and Lucinda (Lucy) Veal Tallent. My grandfather, William Leo (dark t-shirt) and his younger brother Woodrow Wilson Tallent are in other picture.
William Jefferson's family came from England & Ireland. Lucinda's gggrandparents were William Wedgbar Underwood (England) & Anna the Cherokee (North Carolina). I am at a stand-still now, can't find anyting else out. Maybe someday.

Also, found some pictures of my grandmother's grandfather. That was an interesting family!!! Just have not got them downloaded yet.
I am related to Wedgbar/Wedgebar (spelled both ways) in Revolutionary War Service Records. His wife's name was Margret Wilson. My mom's maiden name is Underwood: Her father is Oscar... I can send you more info... and some photos of Oscar.
I am also of a descendant of William Underwood. In case you're interested there is an Underwood Family Reunion coming up. It's for the descendants of Jesse Underwood but I can get you the details if you'd like.
Could you get in touch with me.I am related also to him alicejean001@gmail.com
THIS IS HIM!!! findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi/pages.suddenlink.net/http//fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=27248741
Goes by William billy wedgebar. All links to realities open with info.
Goes by William billy wedgebar. All links to realities open with info.
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