I have been making some tote bags lately and having fun doing it. I quilted the fabric then cut it out. I had an idea of what I wanted to do but really just designed it as I went. I really loved the fabric!
I used a tote bag pattern from Kentucky Quilt Company then added pockets to the outside and inside pockets the way I wanted.
Recycle Felted Sweater Purse
I bought a wool sweater at a consignment shop. Washed & dryed it so it felt. Last night I could not sleep so I worked on a purse with the sweater. It was calling me!
I bought a wool sweater at a consignment shop. Washed & dryed it so it felt. Last night I could not sleep so I worked on a purse with the sweater. It was calling me!
I did not know what I was going to do. I wish I had taken before pictures because I almost gave up. No pattern to go by - I just had to wing it. This is what I came up with. The inside is lined with a dark blue fabric, including one pocket. I think it will be perfect with jeans!
Last year I learnt how to rug hook using a locker hook needle and canvas and I love
it. I am on my third rug. It is a great way to use up scrap fabric strips! I have to make a picture of the ones I have done and post them later.
Last year I learnt how to rug hook using a locker hook needle and canvas and I love
I decided "Why not make a purse?"- so using yarn, canvas and locker hook needle I made this purse.
The pattern was my MGI Textiles but it did not have a pattern or picture of a lining. I put a stripe cotton lining with pockets including a zipper pocket.
I started this top in 2000 when I owned the quilt shop. It was a block of the month that I was doing with my customers. I put it aside when I sold the shop. Last year I decided that I could not make another quilt top until I tried to at least finish a few of my quilt projects that I had going. I finally finished 4 tops - here is one:
My husband's aunt, Mildred, gave me this quilt. It is called I-S
PY Quilt. Each hexagon is a different fabric. It is so special to me!!! I quilted by doing a curve outline on each hexagon. She cut and piece each one. She is so talented.
I hope this was okay for my first time blogging!!
I have started making and selling tote bags and folk art dolls again. I will post pictures soon. Also I hope to post pictures of my granddaugther's quilts.
Check out my daughter's blog: sewmuchtosew.blogspot.com. She will inspire you!!
Do I get ANY of these purses????
no you DON"T get ANY!!!
just kidding
Okay, girls - no fighting over the purses!
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